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Georgia Nolan - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Georgia Nolan
Nacido enUnited States
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Georgia was born Georgia Darlene Mitchell in May 26 1943 to Walter and Cassie (Turner) Mitchell at Tway, Ky. She was the middle sibbling of two brothers. She married Lincoln Pruitt whom she had three children with before they divorced. She later married Denver Patrick Nolan and they also had a daughter who was only six weeks old at the time of her disappearnce. Georgia, who was in the process of a second divorce, left her brother Sunny's home on Thanksgiving 1976 with her estranged husband, Denver, saying that they were going to get a coke at a local drive-in restaurant. She never returned from that trip and no explanation was given to her immediate family. They never knew she was missing until six months later and they immediately reported it to the authorities. Her brothers thought that she was in Chicago during this six month time span. However, her first husband's family had been told the day after she actually disapeared that she had exitied Denver's vehicle on the interstate between Kentucky and Indiana during a heated argument. The Mitchells and the Pruitts were estranged from each other during this time span due to the bitter divorce and never had the opportunity to compare stories until years later. By that time all evidence or information was consdiered tainted in the investigation. Denver Patrick Nolan was never questioned about her whereabouts or his involvement with her disappaerance. Last year the family was granted with a dig in a spot where we thought she could have possibly been burried. However, this dig yielded no results and we are still in the process of searching for answers. Teresa Ann Pruitt

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Georgia Nolan who was born May 26 1943 in United States Harlan Ky and went missing on November 28, 1976. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

You all can also join our group on which is called 

My Mothers Keeper. And can email us at

As you visit this page please light a candle for Georgia thats the familys way of knowing who all has came and visted our page we thank each and everyone of you that cares enough to support us on this long journey that we have traveled,

Galería Rápida
Ka-ssie, Gracie maiking of a video about Goegria Georgia's four Children Georgia's name sake Cassie Mitchell Georgia's mother Teresa , Gracie "A Rose for Mama" Teresa , Dad making of the video Harlan County Ky
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