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Georgia Nolan
Born in United States
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Teresa--Ann Pruitt

While Mother's Day comes upon us, I want to say that it is perhaps the most difficult holiday of the year for me and for my siblings as well.  Mother's Day and Thanksgiving are the two holidays when we all four feel the deepest loss!   

I posted a rose recently in the gallery that represents the many roses that I have not been able to give to my mother over the course of 32 years.  I hope all visitors will take a moment to look at it and reflect just how important and significant something as simple as one long-stem rose can be to a mother and her child on special days like today!

The biggest memory I hold for this special day of the year is that I have had to become a mother myself without the guidnace of my own mother in my life!   I know that God had a reason for this and that he will reveal His plan in His own time!  Until then I hold all childhood memories of my mother dear to my heart---and send some advice to all who read this......

"Always cherish your own mother and never take one moment of time for granted!" 

Enjoy the rose and it's symbolic meaning!

Sonny Mitchell
Georgia I hold our memories forever in my heart not a day has gone by that  you haven't been in my life with me, you were my sister,friend and even a mother you were the closses person in my life besides my lil family I have wanted on you to come home for 32 years I have looked and search oh so high for you, I have wanted nights for you to come home never knowing the truth has hurt so bad, the thoughts of you in pain brings me down in life, the grief today I still hold wondering if it will ever go away, theres times I think about our time together like the time when we was little and I threw that rock and busted your head over your eye, so many times I fault for you and ended up in jail , the time me and you and another guy pushed a radio down the road in down town Harlan those are times I hold, Remebering Teresa when she was little my little girl she was oh how I loved her so, watching you with mom and you fussing with dad I laugh at those days and wished I had you here to look at my family my kids there grown, 8 grandbabys I now hold, how you would have loved them all, you with grandkids I wished you where here to stop this never ending pain that we all hold, I love you Georgie more than you will ever know, your brother Sonny
Georgia for 30 years of my life I have lived watching my family grieve for you your mom cried so many tears, she passed away not knowing what happened to her only girl yet she asked abotu you everyday, From a child I grew up learning to know you only to wish that I had got to meet you, and never having that chance as your neice but yet you feel so close this family hasn't went a day without you being there and yet we eager to find you and bring you home now matter how long it takes us, that day is sure to come when we can say hello and share with you the memories that this life holds
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